All racks are located in a cold aisle containment and can be locked individually. The entire data center is under video surveillance and has personalized access control. All servers are powered by green energy. As a customer, you will receive the 24/7 mobile number of at least four technicians and the management team.
Popular1/1 Rack650.00€/moSetup: 650€Anfrage senden
Switch-Port: 1 GBit/s
Traffic inklusive: 20 TB
Strom inkl. 100% Ökostrom: 730 kWh
IPs: entsprechend RIPE-Richtlinien
IPv6 ready
24/7 Trafficstatistik
Uptime-Garantie: 99,9%
DNS Service
Reverse DNS Service
24/7 Monitoring
Backup: gegen Aufpreis